April 10, 2022
The great mountain ranges of the world—the Himalayas, the Rockies, the Alps—are all formed by tectonic plates colliding with one another. One large piece of land slowly inserts itself underneath another, burrowing down while the other plate rises to form the majestic monoliths we know today. An ingrown toenail is pretty much the same thing—though, maybe not as majestic to look at. When it comes to ingrown toenails, think of the nail like that tectonic plate that is caught below the surface, burrowing under while the other plate—your skin—is stuck on top. So, next time you’re looking at a beautiful mountain scene, think of the mountains as nature’s ingrown toenails. All jokes aside, ingrown toenails can be right painful. Unlike nature, however, there are plenty of things you can do at home to prevent these painful tectonic collisions from forming on your feet.